BFA Resolutions, Motions, Statements & Reports
BFA Resolutions & Motions
Please see below for a list of finalÌýBFA Resolutions, Motions, and Statements for the last several academic years. If you'd like to see something prior to that, please use the form to request those. If you have a question about a BFA Resolution or Motion, you can use the form or contact us for any questions.Ìý
- BFA-M-6-110624 Support CO Faculty Senate re: Reduced Credit BA letter
- BFA-M-1-110424 Update the Academic Affairs Committee Charge - Approved
- BFA-M-2-110424 Update the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee Charge - Approved
- BFA-M-3-110424 Update Diversity Committee Name & Charge - Approved
- BFA-M-4-110424 Update ATSC Name & Charge - Approved
- BFA-M-5.1-102124 Bylaws Article III Officer Titles & Roles - Approved
- BFA-M-5.2-102124 Officer Titles Changes Standing Rules - Approved
- BFA-R-1-120224 Policy on Micro-Credentials - Approved
- BFA-M-1-013125 UCB Faculty Shared Governance Advisor - Approved
- BFA-M-2-013125 Motion to change the BFA Secretary Title & Duties - Approved
- BFA-R-3-013125 Recommendation to include gen AI policy in course syllabi - Approved
- BFA-R-1-021025 BFA Guiding Principles
- BFA-R-2-030325 Student Affairs Committee Communication Best Practices
- BFA-M-1-022425 Motion to create Budget Finance Academic Resources Committee
- BFA-M-2-022625 Motion to update Bylaws on Officer Succession
- BFA-M-3-022625 Motion to Merge Bylaws & Nominations/Elections Committee
- BFA-R-1-083023 Libraries Licensing PrioritiesÌý´¡±è±è°ù´Ç±¹±ð»å
- BFA-R-1-100923 Support of Urgent Climate Action ResolutionÌýApproved
- BFA-M-2-100923 BylawsÌýExCom and Assembly MembershipÌý´¡±è±è°ù´Ç±¹±ð»å
- BFA-M-3-103023 Committee Chair Selection Standing Rules ChangesÌýApproved
- BFA-R-2-120123 Commitment to Campus Community Acad. Free Speech. re Palestine IsraelÌý´¡±è±è°ù´Ç±¹±ð»å
- BFA-M-1-112823 Credit for Prior Learning Policy ResolutionÌý´¡±è±è°ù´Ç±¹±ð»å
- BFA-R-1-030424 Recommendation to Review FCQ Open Comment SectionÌý°Â¾±³Ù³ó»å°ù²¹·É²Ô
- BFA-M-2-031824 Create Campus Operations & Resources CommitteeÌý´¡±è±è°ù´Ç±¹±ð»å
- BFA-R-3-042224 Recommendation to Review Campus FCQ Processes
- BFA-M-1-092722 Motion to Update ITFAC Charge & Title
- BFA-R-2-092822 Resolution on Teaching/Clinical Faculty Promotion RaisesÌý(rev. 10.20.22)
- ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSG Concealed Carry Legislation - 97 LCR 08 - approved by Assembly 10.06.23
- BFA-R-3-100422 Resolution Concerning a Campus Common CurriculumÌý(rev. 10.21.22)
- BFA-M-1-10.24.22 Motion to Revise ASTC Charge & Title 2
- BFA-M-1-110722 BFA Officer Membership & Eligibility
- BFA-M-2-110722 ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Faculty Council Membership & Eligibility
- BFA-M-3-111422 BFA Administrator Appraisal Committee Charge Revision
- BFA-M-4-112822 BFA At-Large Assembly Representative Membership & Eligibility
- BFA-R-1-030123 Ban Concealed Carry Weapons on ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä System Campuses (rev. 02.23.23)
- BFA-R-1-040323 – ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder Faculty Senate Constitution
- BFA-R-2-040323 Campus Curriculum Policy & ProceduresÌýrev. 05.04.23
- BFA-M-2-040122 Motion to Approve Revised Libraries Committee Charge
- BFA-M-1-032822 Regarding Adoption of Revisions to the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Document
- BFA-R-3-032722 Resolution to Call on the University ofÌýColorado to Divest from Fossil Fuels
- BFA-R-2-030122 Resolution for TIAA Divestment & Climate Justice Reinvestment
- BFA-R-1-022822 Recommended Guidelines for DEI in Faculty Merit Evaluations
- BFA Approval of Proposed Revisions to Campus Grading Policy - February, 2022
- BFA-M-2-012411 Motion to Approve Revised Grievance Advisory Committee Charge
- BFA-R-1-113021 Resolution to Recommend a ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder Policy Regarding Sports Wagering on ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder NCAA Teams
- BFA-R-2-110121: Endorsement of ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Faculty Council Resolution Re: Academic Freedom and Diversity
- BFA-R-1-101821 Resolution Re: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Faculty Merit Evaluation (FRPA)
- BFA Statement on Attributes that Should Guide the Selection of the Next ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä President - 2021
- BFA-M-2-040121: Motion to Censure President Kennedy Final Approved Version
- BFA-M-1-040121: Motion to Revise the BFA Budget & Planning Committee Charge
- BFA-R-1-031921: Supporting Awareness of Anti-Asian Racism
- BFA-M-1-030421: Approve Revisions to PRR/PRD
- BFA-R-1-081020: Proposed Changes to FRPA
- BFA-R-2-082420: Teaching Modality
- CNAIS Statment on Kennedy's "Trail of Tears" Comment
- BFA Endorsement of CNAIS Statement September 2020
- BFA Faculty Rights and ResponsibilitiesÌýRe: COVID-19
- BFA-R-1-090519: Resolution to Support Youth Climate Action
- BFA-R-2-102119: Resolution Against Racist Acts
- BFA-R-3-110419: Resolution on Provost’s Actions Regarding Administrator Appraisal Committee
- BFA-R-4-110719: Resolution in Support of the C.U. Student Government Climate Emergency Declaration
- BFA-R-1-101419: Resolution Regarding the Faculty Ownership of the Curriculum
- BFA-R-3-110419: Provost AAPC&FAC Processes
- BFA-M-1-022420:ÌýSuspend Standing Rules for Over Representation of Academic Units
- BFA-M-1-040220:ÌýExtend BFA Term Limits
- Proposed Committee Charge Changes Under BFA-M-2-033020
- BFA-M-2-033020:ÌýApprove Proposed Changes to BFA Standing Committee Charges
- BFA-M-3-033020:ÌýCreate BFA Faculty Climate Standing Committee
- BFA-R-2-042920: Resolution Regarding ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Regents Lawsuit Appeal
- BFA-R-1-042920: Resolution on Faculty Principles in COVID Campus Planning
- BFA-R-1-030118: Student Verification Appointment Notes
- BFA-R-1-091718: Academic Futures Report and Faculty Governance
- BFA-R-2-102918: FCQ Best Practices
- BFA-R-3-110118:ÌýResolution to Endorse a Grade Replacement Policy for ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder
- BFA-R-1-102218: Statement in Support of ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Community
- BFA-M-1-020419: BFA Support of the Graduate Student Resolution for a fee Waiver for Graduate Student Employees
- BFA-M-3-020419:Amend the BFA Bylaws and Standing Rules to have uniform committee membership and chair service
intervals - BFA-M-2-020419 Changing the charges of BFA standing committees.
- BFA-R-2-040119ÌýBFA Endorsement of the Upward Bound Initiative to recognize Indigenous lands
- BFA-R-1-03.07.19ÌýBFA Endorsement of the A&S Task Force on Instructor-Rank Faculty Report
- BFA-M-1-040419ÌýAmend the BFA Bylaws and Standing Rules to have uniform service intervals for the BFA officers.
- BFA-M-2-2017-10-02:ÌýAmend the BFA Bylaws Concerning Term Limits of BFA Officers and Executive Committee Members-at-Large
- BFA-M-1-2017-10-02:ÌýCreate BFA Representative Seat for Herbst Program in Engineering
- BFA-M-1-2018-03-01:ÌýAmend the BFA Standing Rules Concerning Election Procedures (Article II)
- BFA-M-2-2018-03-01:ÌýCreate BFA Representative Seat for Residential Academic Programs (RAPs)
- BFA-R-2-020118:ÌýResolution in Support of ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder DACA Students
- BFA-R-1-020118:ÌýBFA Support for a Self-Sufficiency Wage for Graduate Students of ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä Boulder
- BFA- R-3-020118:ÌýBFA Statement of Concern regarding the Proposed Changes to Regent Law: Article V and Policy 5
- BFA-R-1-030118:ÌýResolution Regarding Student Appointment Verification Notes
- BFA-M-3-040518:ÌýAmend the BFA Standing Rules, Article VI. Meetings of the Assembly
- BFA-M-1-040518:ÌýBFA Support for Removing Biased FCQ Measures for Evaluation of Teaching in Promotion, Tenure, Reappointment, and Merit Evaluation
- BFA-M-1-030118:ÌýAmend the BFA Standing Rules, Article II. Elections
- BFA-M-2-040518:ÌýStudent Affairs Committee Notice of Motion Re: Class Conflicts
- BFA-M-090116:ÌýSupport Teaching Professor Title for Instructors
- BFA-M-1-100616:ÌýCreate an Ad Hoc BFA committee to investigate the issue of pedestrian and cyclist safety on campus
- BFA-M-2-100616:ÌýAsk the Chancellor why faculty governance was not consulted on change to academic calendar
- BFA-R-120116: Resolution to Address Climate Change
- BFA-R-1-050417: To Acknowledge Dean Williams’ Service to the Campus Faculty and University
- BFA-R-2-050417: Restore dedicated Libraries Development Officer
- BFA-R-3-050417: Support for students as they engage the issue of divestment from fossil fuels
- BFA-R-4-050417:ÌýQuestions on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation on Admissions Applications
- BFA-R-5-050417: Revise BFA Standing Rules
- BFA-X-R-022017: Resolution to change BFA Administrator AppraisalÌýCommittee
- BFA-R-110515.1:ÌýSupport for the creation of a Boulder Campus Retired Faculty Association
- BFA-R-110515.2: Endorse formal discussion with administration about Teaching Professor faculty titles.
- BFA-X-M-012615: Accept Recommendations of Budget Committee
BFA Ad-hoc Committee Business and BFA Authored ReportsÌý
Per the BFA Bylaws Article V Section 6.C, the BFA may createÌýad-hoc committees to address specific campus business. Per the BFA Standing Rules, Article V Section 3 BFA Committees may form subcommittees as needed to address specific issues of the committee.ÌýTo learn more about current and past BFA Ad-Hoc Committees and Subcommittees see the BFA Committees page. Occasionally those committees author reports.ÌýÌýIf you are looking for a report that is not listed here, please use the form on the right to request it.
Fall 2023- Academic Calendar Reform proposals - The BFA reviewed two options for proposed academic calendar changes in October and November. BFA representatives were then queried on behalf of their constituents in a poll and the results were shared with Chancellor DiStefano on December 7, 2023 as well as with Assembly. Fall 2023 Academic Calendar changes - BFA poll results & summary.
Fall 2021BFA Proctorio Subcommittee - this subcommittee was formed to review campus faculty use of online test proctoring softwareÌý"Proctorio" . The final report, a memorandum from the subcommittee chairs, and a cover letter from BFA Chair Beechy were submitted to Provost Moore in November 2021:
- Proctorio Report Cover Letter - Tiffany Beechy, BFA Chair
- Proctorio Subcommittee Memorandum - Janet Casagrand, Chair ASTC, Seth Myers, Chair AAC, and Lev Szentkirályi, Chair SAC
- Proctorio Subcommittee Report
BFA Diversity Committee
BFA Student Affairs Committee
- Fall 2020ÌýBFA Student Affairs Committee COVID-19 Academic Experience Focus Groups & Surveys: Statement
- Fall 2020 BFA Student Affairs Committee COVID-19 Academic Experience Focus Groups & Surveys: Full Report
BFA Teaching Faculty Affairs Committee
- 2019 A&S Instructor Task Force ReportÌý& A&S Instructor Task Force
- BFA Resolution in Support of the 2019 A&S Task Force Report
- 2010 Report on the State of Instructors
- Spring 2023 Teaching & Clinical Faculty Survey Results
- 1999 Instructor Bill of Rights
BFA Faculty Affairs Committee
BFA General Assembly & BFA Executive Committee Statements