Comprehensive Exam
After completing an approved curriculum of coursework, a student advances to candidacy in Mathematics by passing an comprehensive exam. A description of this requirement can be found on the Degree Requirements page. Below is the reccommended timeline for completing a comprehensive exam and includes links to the neccessary paperwork.
Effect on Student Fees
Upon passing the comprehensive exam a Ph.D. student's in the Graduate School changes from A or B to C or D. Once a student passes the exam the department will change the student's status and the student fees they are billed will be updated immediately. Thus to pay the reduced student fees, a student must pass their exam before student fees are due. It is reccommended to allow two weeks for the department, Graduate School, and Bursar's office to proccess the changes. Student fees are due the second of the semester.
Change in Semester Course Requirements
Students in their 3 or 4th year who have not passed their comprehensive exam pass their comprehensive exam are only required to take two courses. Upon passing their exam, they are only required to take one course which can be taken pass/fail. This change in requirement happens immediately upon passing their exam. However, changing a course from a letter grade to pass/fail is not permitted after the third Friday of the semester.
Qualification for Summer Research Funding
Students who have passed their comprehensive exam are qualified to recieve research funding from the department for the following summers. In each spring semester, the Graduate Assistant will noitify students when they must pass their exam by to qualify for summer funding. Contact the Graduate Assistant with any questions.
Recommended Timeline
6-12 Months Before Expected Comprehensive Exam Date
Find an advisor.
Make a syllabus.
2-3 Months Before Expected Comprehensive Exam Date
- Form your comprehensive exam committee. The committee must consist of at least 5 faculty members. They may ask to see your syllabus before agreeing to be on your committee.
Send the final version your syllabus to your commitee. Once your committee approves your syllabus, submit it for approval by the Graduate Committee.
Get everyone to agree to a date and time.
Reserve a room for the day of your exam.
2 Weeks Before Expected Comprehensive Exam Date (At The Latest)
Submit the paperwork for the comprehensive exam to the Graduate Assistant.
If you wish to get a Master’s Degree in addition to progressing in the Ph.D. program, you must submit two sets of paperwork to the Graduate Assistant. The only difference in the second form is that the degree indicated is a Master’s instead of a Ph.D.
The Graduate Assistant will submit your paperwork to the graduate school for approval.
Day Of Comprehensive Exam
Retrieve your paperwork from the Graduate Assistant on the day of the comprehensive exam.
Give a copy of your syllabus to each committee member.
Give the paperwork to the chair of your committee (your advisor).
If you pass your exam, be sure all members of your committee have signed the paperwork. Then resubmit your paperwork to the Graduate Assistant. The Graduate Assistant will resubmit your paperwork to the graduate school for approval.
After The Comprehensive Exam
If you passed and wish to get a Master’s Degree, go to myinfo and select “Apply for Graduation” located at the bottom of the home page. Be sure to indicate you are applying for a Master’s Degree. This will not affect your standing in the Ph.D. program.
If you passed the comprehensive exam conditionally, complete the condition outlined by the committee within the time period determined by the committee. Upon completing the condition, you may apply to graduate to receive your Master’s Degree.
If you failed the comprehensive examination on the first attempt, you may attempt the exam once more after a period of time determined by the exam committee.