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Maximizing Cumulative Auditory Experience of Children who are Deaf or Hard Of Hearing

Presenter: Dr. Ryan McCreery, Director of Research for Boys Town National Research Hospital

When: Friday, April 16, 2021
Time: 12:00 - 1:30 pm

Researchers from the University of Colorado were among the first to document the positive effects of early identification and intervention for children who are deaf and hard of hearing, which led to the establishment of universal newborn hearing screening and Early Hearing Detection and Intervention programs around the world. Developmental outcomes for children who are deaf or hard of hearing have never been better as a result.  However, children who are deaf or hard of hearing continue to experience considerable individual variability in their auditory and language outcomes even with early intervention and amplification.  Our research team followed a large cohort of children who are hard of hearing from infancy through early primary school to evaluate the factors that supported developmental risk and resilience in communication development. This presentation will highlight novel theoretical and clinical insights from our work that we hope can support further improvements in intervention and outcomes for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Ryan McCreery is Director of Research at Boys Town National Research Hospital where he is also Director of the Audibility, Perception and Cognition Laboratory and Director of the Center for Audiology. Dr. McCreery completed his Ph.D. in 2011 at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, where he researched bottom-up and top-down processing of auditory information in children. His lab’s current research is focused on various aspects of hearing, hearing amplification, language processing and language development. Dr. McCreery’s research has contributed to our understanding of the importance of cumulative auditory experience on language and sensory development. Findings from Dr. McCreery’s research are directly related to clinical outcomes and have ​led to optimized clinical protocols for fitting hearing aids in kids with hearing loss.

Dr. McCreery has authored 56 peer reviewed publications and has numerous research collaborations. He is a regular speaker at scientific and clinical meetings and is an active member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Because of his significant scientific and professional contributions, Dr. McCreery was recognized in 2020 with a .

Dr. Ryan McCreery