
Regent Laws and Policies and System policies provide important retirement policy information.

Policy 11, Policies of the Regents:

System Administrative Policy Statements:

Frequently Asked Questions: Faculty Retirement

Per: “The faculty member is only eligible to retire once their combined age and years of service total at least 70.” This would be considered an “early” retirement. Once the faculty member’s combined age and years of service total at least 75, the faculty member is eligible for “normal” retirement. Retirements can be regular or phased. The retirement incentives outlined in the policy are not entitlements, they are potential tools available to assist the University in meeting its goals with regard to faculty staffing needs.

Faculty interested in retirement should contact their unit head (ideally a year or more before they intend to retire). The retiree and the unit head discuss the terms of retirement and use theRetirement Memo Form as directed by the school/college. The retirement memois the first step in the process; the memoisnota binding agreement. This retirement memo should be submitted by the school/college faculty HR liaison. If the faculty member wrote a letter notifying the primary unit about their retirement, the letter should be attached to the memo. For phased retirements, information agreed upon between the faculty member and department/unit (including annual merit formula, course assignments, and full-time equivalent (FTE) for each semester leading up to the retirement) should be included in the unit’s comment box. Once the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) receives the completed retirement memo, a retirement agreement will be drafted and sent to the school/college faculty HR liaison for routing in DocuSign for signatures. Please note that once signed, the retirement agreement is a binding agreement.

For more information regarding faculty retirement agreements as well as the resources you need to begin on your path to retirement from the University of Colorado, see the System resource:

According toAppendix A. Section E.of :

“Emeritus/Emerita is an honorary designation awarded upon retirement to faculty with a record of strong contributions to the university. Faculty are nominated for emeritus/emerita status by their department and approved by the dean, provost, and chancellor. The emeritus/emerita designation is added to the title/rank held by the faculty member at the time of retirement.”

If the primary unit chooses to request emeriti status for a retired faculty member, the liaison must initiate theEmeriti Status Request form to request approval of the status by the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA).

See the System resource:. Eligible faculty must enroll within 30 days. Contact thefor enrollment information, forms, and assistance. The following list includes benefits allowed to retired faculty:


  • Continuing voting membership in the University Faculty Senate
  • Rank of emeritus professor, if recommended by the primary unit and dean and approved by the provost
  • Invitations to attend commencement and other campus and university-wide events

Continuing Privileges

  • Office or laboratory space (depending on space availability and whether the retiree is actively engaged in scholarly and creative work or related activities. The decision lies with the primary unit)
  • from the Office of Information Technology (OIT)
  • Buff OneCard

Additional Privileges