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RASEI to Hold Strategic Listening Sessions Around Opportunities for Collaboration on Campus

The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) will host both in-person and virtual listening sessions in January and February to discuss a new brand and vision for the organization that would foster cross-campus collaborations around sustainability and related fields. The in-person session is planned for 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Jan. 31 in CASE Room E351 while the Both sessions will be hosted and facilitated by College of Arts and Sciences Dean Glen Krutz. The sessions are an extension of ongoing work by RASEI over the past several months with the Research & Innovation Office, the Mortenson Center in Global Engineering and Resilience, and the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility, as well as NREL to advance campus commitment to developing actionable solutions to address challenges and opportunities in sustainability, renewable energy, environmental justice, climate action and technology innovation and transfer. Registration for both events is requested and can be completed online and questions can be submitted to vcresearch@colorado.edu via email.

Register for in-person listening session