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Photo of the Week: TEDx

Nina Williams rehearses her presentation on the TEDx stage.

Professional climber and development coach Nina Williams (Comm’21) rehearses on the TEDx mainstage. She will be presenting on April 11.

Each year, a student-centered teampartners with theCollege of Media, Communication and Information and the Department of Communication to organizean independent TED event, where faculty, students and staff present alongside entrepreneurs, local characters and others from outside the system. This year, the event is named “Bounce” and will be held virtually. The speakers will consider how humans rebound, ricochet and react.

“In life, we bounce back from hard times and into good ones. We bounce to and from new experiences and remember the old. We use the bounces of our life to tell our stories,” states the TEDx website.

This year’s conference, featuring nine speakers, will be held on April 11.

(Photo courtesy ofKira Vos Photography.)