2015 Symposium Papers and Presentations

The Colorado Undergraduate Space Research Symposium is an opportunity for students to present their current research and ideas in space related fields to their peers, industry and academia.Ìý Four schools from around Colorado submitted papers this year and presented their research during the Symposium.Ìý Teams and individuals, freshman through seniors, have researched a variety of topics and presented their research or practical engineering projects.

  • Paper - Technical Content, Scientific Merit and Originality (45%)
  • Paper - Practical Application (15%)
  • Paper - Clarity of Writing (10%)
  • Presentation - Visual and Oral presentation and response to questions (30%)

Session AÌý

02_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSVersatile Radiation ShieldingPresentation
03_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSHigh Altitude Cosmic Ray DetectionPresentation
04_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSMelanin as an Independent BarrierPresentation
05_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSBlocking Radiation in the Upper AtmosphereÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýÌýPresentation
06_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSCSU Balloon PayloadPresentation

Session BÌý

07_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSOpen-Path Cavity Ring-down SpectroscopyPresentation
08_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSImplementation of Solar Tracking on aÌýHigh
Altitude Balloon Platform
09_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSVolumetric Efficient Cold Gas CubeSat PropulsionPresentation
10_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSDesigning Power Systems for Mission SuccessPresentation
11_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSPolarCube:A Student Led CubeSat MissionPresentation
12_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSDevelopment of an Experimental Hybrid RocketPresentation

Session CÌý

13_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSMore Applied Random Knowledge RoverÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýÌýPresentation
14_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSAutomation of a Sabatier ReactionPresentation
15_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSWild Tupper 2 RoverPresentation
16_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSGoal Oriented Risk Mitigating Autonomous
Behavior for Extraterrestrial Rovers
17_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSBeacon Electronic Kinect ExplorerPresentation

Session DÌý

18_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSMicrogravity Material Science Experiment on
Aluminum-Indium Compounds
19_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSAtmospheric Data Collection and Transmission
via High Altitude Weather Balloon
20_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSSolar Cell Efficiency in the Upper AtmosphereÌý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýPresentation
21_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSTSJC 2015 Balloon PayloadPresentation
22_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSPolycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsPresentation
23_¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉäSRSStratospheric Microbe Bacteria AccululatorPresentation

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