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Mansfield Foundation: Mansfield-Luce Scholars Network Application Extended to October 1st

We are writing to share that our application deadline for the Mansfield-Luce Scholars Network program has been extended to October 1st, 2023

The purpose of the program 

The Mansfield-Luce program is to connect scholars of Northeast and Southeast Asia through training, senior mentorships, and networking opportunities, including a twelve-day study trip to Asia. The program also encourages scholars to participate in the U.S. policy-making process and contribute to a better understanding of U.S.-Asia relations. To learn more about the program, please .

Program Schedule
With this extended deadline, we are planning to announce the finalists by the end of October and the program for Cohort 3 will be scheduled as below:

  1. November 2023: a two-day policy workshop in Washington, DC for select scholars
  2. April or May 2024: a long weekend retreat in Montana
  3. June or July 2024: a two-week study trip to Asia
  4. October or November 2024: a publication launch event in Washington, DC

Application Process

To apply, please go to our  and download the application form. You can submit your application via email at  applications@mansfieldfdn.org.