- At this year’s Clean Currents conference in Portland, OR CADSWES industry expert Tim Magee delivered a compelling presentation titled “System-Level Hydropower Flexibility” on October 9. Magee’s talk explored the critical role of hydropower
- Join us and learn about the newest and upcoming software features and creative uses by various RiverWare users.
- We are excited to announce the latest release of RiverWare and RiverSMART, version 9.3.Highlights of the release include:A new Settings Manager to centralize settings, including functionality for searching and filtering to find the desired setting.
- Tim Magee presented “Realizing Hydropower Flexibility with RiverWare“ at the CEATI Hydropower Conference March 20, 2024, in Palm Springs CA. The presentation was co-authored by Edie Zagona, also from CADSWES, and Gabe Miller from TVA was a co-
- The CADSWES contribution to the Colorado River modeling for collaborative decision making was featured in the Washington Post on February 11, 2024. The article decribes the history of the collaboration with the Bureau of Reclamation in developing
- We are excited to announce the latest release of RiverWare and RiverSmart, version 9.2. Highlights of the new release include: increased flexibility for SCT conditional formatting, easier display of Snapshots in SCTs and plots, functionality to apply Snapshot values back to the source slots...
- CEAE Professors Edie Zagona, Director of CADSWES, and Joseph Kasprzyk joined the CADSWES Reclamation Colorado River modeling team in meeting with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation and other Department of Interior officials on September
- Over 140 water managers and modelers from federal and local government agencies, utilities, consulting firms and research institutions attended the 19th RiverWare User Group meeting on August 29-30. Presentations described powerful and
- Mitch Clement presented “Optimizing Hydropower Reservoirs with Limited Flexibility on the Columbia River” and David Neumann presented “Deep Aquifer Modeling within an Operations and Planning Decision Support Tool on the Rio Grande River, New Mexico
- David Neumann gave a presentation on the RiverWare, RiverSMART and RiverWISE decision support tools developed by CADSWES and used by many in the water management communities. He also gave live demonstrations of the tools in a 3-hour evening session