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Leeds named one of top 15 sustainable MBA programs

Leeds sustainabililty

Conscious Company Magazine has ranked the Leeds School of Business’ MBA program one of the top 15 impact-focused business programs in theU.S., due to its strong focus on social and environmental responsibility and affordable tuition. Out of 100 business schools, Leeds took 15th place as one of the best programs to provide graduates with an advantage in finding and creating careers that emphasize social impact.

“The Leeds program adds a world-class ethics in business component via the university’s Center for Education on Social Responsibility (CESR),” reports the magazine, which goes on to say that “Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs traditionally churn out bottom-line-oriented management types who go on to careers in consulting, private equity, and the like. But in the last decade or so, some business and management schools have shifted gears to create curricula with a focus on Գ.”

The final rankings were based on the magazine’s own filters as well as Net Impact’s from 2014, where Leeds ranked as one of the top 50 social entrepreneurship programs. Criteria included program affordability as well as focus on social impact, environmental sustainability and social entrepreneurship.

Leeds School of Business

The draws strength from a strong Boulder communityof impact entrepreneurs in the energy and natural foods sectors.

Center for Education on Social Responsibility

The integrates business ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability and diversity across the entire undergraduate and graduate curriculum at Leeds.